Dros adalah sebuah aplikasi java yang berfungsi untuk mengatur file, memutar lagu kesayangan, ftp client,dan sebagainnya dengan tampilan seperti DOS dan bisa memakai perintah layaknya perintah DOS di Windows. Aplikasi ini cukup ringan (43kb) dan dapat digunakan di berbagai ukuran layar handphone anda. Aplikasi java ini berbahasa Inggris. Dros, DOS-nya handphone anda , Free Download Dros
Berikut cara penggunaanya
built-in interpreter BASIC, ftp client and full of a multimedia player, all with a command interface ala dos, EM
cd - change directory
copy - copy file
move - move the file
dir - display the contents of the directory
del - delete the file / directory
mkdir - create directory
dial - to dial the specified phone number
cls - clear screen
pf - print the file (to display)
run - run a program in Basic
<Drive> - Change drive
edit - to edit a text file
<Filename>. Bat - run the batch file
bcolor - set the background color
fcolor - set the color of characters
time - display the current time
play - play the file of audio or video format
ftp - to run an FTP-client
? - Call Help
Work with FTP
open - open a server
user - user name
pass - password to access the resource
cd - change directory
get - take the file
put - to upload a file
rename - rename a file / directory
site - run a command on a remote server
dir <path> - get the contents of the directory
dirf <path> - a full list of directories
del - delete the file / directory
mkdir - create directory
ascii - text-mode data
binary - binary data transfer mode
cls - clear screen
? - Help
Dros multi screen english jar free
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